How it works
- Get matched to top travel specialists Tell us about your ideal trip and the kind of experiences you’d like to include. We’ll match you with 2-3 reputable, pre-qualified travel specialists who are the best fit for your trip.
- Get your trip plannedOur travel specialist partners will arrange an initial phone consultation or exchange emails with you to better understand your specific interests and vacation preferences. They will compete for your business using their expertise and insights to craft unique itinerary and activity proposals.
- Book your custom tripYou select the travel specialist who impresses you the most. After your itinerary is refined to perfection, book it with the travel specialist, who will then confirm all services and coordinate all logistics – including 24X7 support throughout your trip.
- Share feedback with fellow travelersAfter your trip we’ll invite you to write a review, so you can help other travelers with your candid feedback. Only travelers who have purchased a trip through Zicasso are eligible to share their..
Our values and community
In order to promote and reward excellence in travel, our community is guided by the following core values:
We believe that everyone will “do the right thing” and act with integrity and fairness
We respect each other’s time and effort
We treat others the way we want to be treated
We are always here to help each other experience the best in travel
In the spirit of these values, Zicasso also pledges that:
We believe that everyone will “do the right thing” and act with integrity and fairness
We respect each other’s time and effort
We treat others the way we want to be treated
We are always here to help each other experience the best in travel
In the spirit of these values, Zicasso also pledges that:
- We always operate with the highest integrity
- We never spam
- We never share our users’ names and contact information with any third parties
- We take your privacy protection extremely seriously
How we make money
We charge a fee to our sellers or travel specialist partners. However, no travel specialist can pay their way to becoming part of Zicasso – our vetting process independently reviews whether they are good enough to join. Our buyers (the travelers) do not pay to use our service.
This is the same way in which eBay, Amazon and other online marketplaces make money. Because Zicasso’s travel specialist partners know that they are competing for your business, they strive to deliver the best vacation experiences and service for your travel dollars.
This is the same way in which eBay, Amazon and other online marketplaces make money. Because Zicasso’s travel specialist partners know that they are competing for your business, they strive to deliver the best vacation experiences and service for your travel dollars.